Bank Holiday Weekend

The surgery will be closed from 17.30 on Friday 31st January until 9am Tuesday 4th February for the back holiday weekend.

For medical emergencies only please contact NEDOC on 1800 777 911

Christmas opening hours


Monday Dec 23rd                     open as normal

Tuesday Dec 24th                    open 9am-2pm (on day appointments only) & 2pm-5.30pm (emergencies


Wednesday Dec 25th         Closed

Thursday Dec 26th             Closed

Friday Dec 27th                        open 9am- 5.30pm (on the day appointments only)

Monday Dec 30th                     open 9am- 5.30pm (on the day appointments only)

Tuesday Dec 31st                     open 9am- 5.30pm (on the day appointments only)

Wednesday Jan 1st            Closed

Thursday Jan 2nd                     open as normal


It's competition time again

Kids it's time to brighten up the waiting room again.

Pick up your colouring sheet from the waiting room.

Make sure you have your entries in before the 19th December as Santa will drop by that night to judge the best ones.

Best of luck


We are closed from 17.30 on Friday 25th October until 09.00 on Tuesday 29th October for the Bank Holiday weekend.

For medical emergencies between these hours please call North East Doctor on call at 1800 777 911


We are closed from 17.30 on Friday 2nd August until 09.00 on Tuesday 6th August for the Bank Holiday weekend.

For medical emergencies between these hours please call North East Doctor on call at 1800 777 911

Free Contraception Scheme

This scheme will be extended to 17yrs up to 35yrs from the 1st July 2024 by the HSE.

All contraception appointments and prescriptions for both private and medical card holders in this age group will be free of charge.

This covers pill checks(max 2 per year), depo injection, contraception patch, and insertion/removal of LARC devices.

When making an appointment for any of the above please let reception know in advance.

There should also be no charge for collection of your prescription from the pharmacies under this scheme.


Bank Holiday Weekend

We are closed from 17.30 on Friday 31st May until 09.00 on Tuesday 4th June for the Bank Holiday weekend.

For medical emergencies between these hours please call North East Doctor on call at 1800 777 911

Bank Holiday Weekend

Happy Easter to all our patients!!

We are closed from 1pm on Friday 29th March until 9am on Tuesday 2nd April for the Bank Holiday weekend.

For medical emergencies between these hours please call North East Doctor on call at 1800 777 911

Easter Colouring Competition

It's competition time again

Kids it's time to brighten up the waiting room again.

Pick up your colouring sheet from the waiting room.

Make sure you have your entries in before the 28th March as the Easter Bunny will be hopping by to judge them.

Best of luck

Bank Holiday Weekend

Happy St Patricks Day to all our Patients

Opening hours over the Bank Holiday weekend

We are closed from 17.30 on Friday 14th March until 09.00 Tuesday 19th March.

For medical emergencies between these hours please contact North East Doctor on call (NEDOC) 1800777911.


Christmas wishes

We would like to wish all our patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

From all the staff at Boyne Medical Practice.



21st December-- open as normal

22nd December--open for on the day emergency appointments

25th December -- closed for Bank Holiday

26th December-- closed for Bank Holiday

27th December -- open for on the day emergency appointments

28th December-- open for on the day emergency appointments

29th December-- open for on the day emergency appointments

1st January-- closed for Bank Holiday

2nd January-- open as normal