COVID Booster update
People aged 55 and over and pregnant women more than 16 weeks are now being invited to make an appointment for their next booster vaccine against COVID-19.
From Thursday 18th August, those in the age cohort will be able to make an appointment on the HSE website hhtps://
We will not be running a vaccine clinic for this group.
People aged 50-54 will be offered their second booster vaccine from next week and people with long term health conditions will be offered booster vaccines shortly.
Face Masks
Just a reminder that face masks are still recommended in healthcare settings.
We would ask that all patients remember to bring a face mask to your appointment and to sanitise hands and wear your mask when entering the surgery.
This is to keep staff and patients safe as COVID 19 cases are continuing to rise again.
We would like to thanks you in advance for your cooperation.
COVID Vaccines
COVID-19 2nd Booster vaccine age 50-66
Unfortunately due to the work load involved we will not be participating in this roll out of the vaccine.
We will still be finishing the 65+ age group and the immunosuppressed over the next coming weeks in very small clinics due to vaccine supply.
You can get your booster through the HSE portal (click below)
at a participating pharmacy (click below)
Bank Holiday Hours
We are closed from 1pm on Friday 15th April until 9am Tuesday 19th April for the Bank holiday weekend.
For emergencies between these hours please call NEDOC at 1850 777 911
Colouring Competition Results
Congrats to our winners of our Easter Colouring Competition
Lucy Age 2 Amy Age 7
Bailey Age 6 Mason Age 5
Amelia Age 8 Max Age 2
Sadie Age6 Aoibhe Age 5
Robyn Age 9 Tess Age 8
Kitty Age6 Nelly Age12
COVID 19 Vaccinations
Second Booster vaccination Program
To maintain high levels of immunity in those most at risk of severe disease a second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine has been recommended by NIAC/HSE for the following:
- Those aged 65 and over
- those aged 12 and over who are immunocompromised
The second booster is recommended at least 6 months after the first booster or 6 months after COVID 19 infection.
We will be running clinics for this vaccine roll out from as soon as we are notified of a start date.
Please call/email reception to leave your name if you are interested in receiving this or contact the HSE to book in with them.
Easter Colouring Competition

COVID-19 Booster Vaccine 12-15year olds
COVID-19 Booster Vaccine is now been rolled out for 12-15 year olds by the HSE.
We are not offering this service at Boyne Medical Practice.
Please click the link below to make an appointment with the HSE
Please note 12-15 year olds must leave at least 6 months between 2nd vaccine and booster vaccine as per HSE/NIAC guidelines.
Mask Wearing
Boyne Medical Practice asks that patients
- continue to wear face coverings while inside the surgery
- continue to use hand sanitiser
- and do not attend your appointment if you have any COVID 19 symptoms
This is to keep our staff and patients safe.
Thank you for your continued support at this time