Christmas wishes

22 Dec 2023 Uncategorised

We would like to wish all our patients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

From all the staff at Boyne Medical Practice.


7 Dec 2023 News


21st December– open as normal
22nd December–open for on the day emergency appointments
25th December — closed for Bank Holiday
26th December– closed for Bank Holiday
27th December — open for on the day emergency appointments
28th December– open for on the day emergency appointments
29th December– open for on the day emergency appointments
1st January– closed for Bank Holiday
2nd January– open as normal


2 Oct 2023 News

We are now arranging clinics for the new COVID Winter Booster

The follow are the guidelines for the booster administration

All those aged 50 and older
Those aged 5-49 immunocompromised
Those aged 5-49 with medical conditions associated with higher risk
Residents in Nursing Homes and other long stay institutions
Healthcare workers

If you are eligible for this vaccines please call the surgery to book into our vaccine clinic.



14 Aug 2023 News
From 1st September 2023 the scheme will be extended to offer this service to 27 year old up to 30 year old
All contraception consultations will now be covered for both GMS and Private patients from 17 year old up to and including 30 year old
What is covered
1. Consultations for contraception advice
2. Pill checks (2 per year)
3. Insertion of LARC (Mirena &,Implanon)
4. Removal of LARC (Mirena & Implanon)
5. 6 week string check (Mirena)
6. Depo injection
7. Your prescription is also free from the pharmacy
Please inform Admin staff when making these appointments so that the right amount of time is booked for you with the Doctor.

Upcoming changes to GP visit card eligibility in 2023

14 Aug 2023 News
GP visit cards will be available to people on the median income or less in 2023.
The weekly income limit for the GP visit card will be increased in two phases, first on 11 September 2023 and again on 13 November 2023.
Weekly income thresholds for everyone over and under 66 will be the same from 11 September 2023.
See table below

Bank Holiday Weekend

We are closed from 5.30pm on Friday 2nd June until 9am Tuesday 6th June for the Bank holiday weekend.

For emergencies between these hours please call NEDOC at 1850 777 911

Competition Winners

22 Dec 2022 News

Congrats to our colouring competition winners.

We had some wonderful entries.

Our winners are:













Prizes can be picked up from reception.

Christmas Colouring Competition

12 Dec 2022 News

It’s competition time again

Kids it’s time to brighten up the waiting room again.
Pick up your colouring sheet from the waiting room.
Make sure you have your entries in before the 21st December as Santa will drop by that night to judge the best ones.
Best of luck
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